In perfumery, waxes typically refer to a by-product in the volatile solvent extraction: the concrete obtained in this process, is a mixture of the precious scented material coveted by the perfumers and of some fats from the plants that have been extracted at the same time. The concrete is most often “rinsed” with alcohol in order to get rid of the waxes and obtain a more concentrated form of raw material called the absolute. The other advantage of separating the waxes is that they are not easily soluble in alcohol which can be a problem if they were part of the formula for a fine fragrance. These waxes still have some odor value and we are looking for ways to use them in some product form instead of discarding them as trash.

Frederic Jacques
Parisian by birth, American by choice, Fred Jacques was trained at the renowned Roure School of Perfumery in Grasse (now Givaudan). An evaluator by passion and by trade, Fred has managed the Fine Fragrance divisions of some recognized Fragrance Houses before deciding to start his own venture with a group of friends and former colleagues: The Society of Scent with its own Fragrance Creation Laboratory and perfumery team. Totally passionate about fragrances and Scent in general, Fred sees the challenges that the industry is currently facing as an incredible opportunity for innovation and for a new narrative based on transparency, education, and products that deliver against the promise of emotion and elevation.